Norman County 54549

Norman County 54549

This project involved the design of new Bridge 54549 and approximately 2000 ft of approach roadway realignment on CSAH 3, and required coordination with MnDOT, NDDOT, Traill County, ND, and Norman County, MN.
Bridge 54549 crosses over the Red River and consists of a 6-span continuous steel beam structure with a total length of 694 ft. The roadway clear width on the bridge is 36 ft. Because of the poor soils in the area, the bridge incorporates a fixed center pier and hinged intermediate piers to accommodate future soil movement. Due to a restrictive horizontal alignment, CSAH 3 was realigned on each side of the bridge. The new approach roadway consists of 12 ft bituminous lanes and 6 ft aggregate shoulders.
Services Performed:
Preliminary and Final Bridge Design, Roadway Design, Field Survey, Hydraulics, Feasibility Study, Environmental Documentation, Permit Applications, Geotechnical Coordination, Specifications, Cost Estimate.
Construction Completion Date: 2010.
Construction Cost: