Bridge Inspection

We provide bridge inspection and load rating services in accordance with National Bridge Inspection Standards and local regulations for counties, cities, townships, and state government agencies. Our inspectors are fully trained in NHI Bridge Inspection concepts and procedures.

Erickson Engineering also provides specialized bridge inspections at the request of public and private bridge owners, to determine structural integrity and monitor known or suspected deficiencies. These inspections include in-depth visual observations, physical testing if appropriate, and a comprehensive load rating analysis.

We also evaluate bridges for oversize and overweight loads such as generators, transformers, and wind turbine parts.

Recent bridge inspection projects we’ve conducted include:

  • MnDOT SHV Bridge Inspections, 180 Bridges in 2020-2021, 98 Bridges in 2018-2019, 251 Bridges in 2015-2017, 176 Bridges in 2014-2015, 164 Bridges in 2012-2013
  • MnDOT District 1 Bridge Flood Damage Assessment program, 31 bridges, 2012
  • City of Eden Prairie Bridge Safety Inspections, 24 bridges in 2012-2013, 50 bridges in 2010-2011